Thursday, June 24, 2010

June 23, Wednesday

This was our longest driving day, but also my favorite stop day so far!!

We visited the Villa Mairea by Alvar Alto. It is a summer home for a family he was close to, so the design process was very collaborative. They family is ridiculously well off, and also has a personal collection of Picasso, Calder, and countless others. Seeing the artwork(some which I had never seen before) in a homey setting was part of what made the experience so great. The family that owns the house still uses it as a vacation home, and are so generous with letting groups come in and see it. Jen (our instructor) knows one of the family members, and she had some pastries and juice set up for us by the pool. It was all pretty surreal!

I'll leave you with some photos of this gem!!

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