Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 29, Tuesday

Today was another Alto day! We saw the National Pensions Institute and the Alvar Alto University.

The Institute was my favorite project of the day. It was a really well designed office building, with many attractive features for workers. I would want to work there! One of the coolest bits was their passenger elevator. It moves continuously, and people hop on as the opening comes by and get off by just walking off!! The exterior space for lunch and bringing light into the building was also really nice, all very much designed for people to use.

The University was a really large project, so we spent our entire afternoon there. I was pretty tired by the end, so I might not have gotten as much out of it as I could have.  My favorite building we saw was the Sports Hall. It was an amazing wood structure with huge beams spanning a really long distance (It kind of reminded me of Whitworth's gym, but huge and wood).

This image is of one of Alto's most famous auditoriums. There is no direct light in any part of the space, but the quality of light is amazing.
Tomorrow we have more Alto!

1 comment:

  1. i just caught up on all of your posts...it looks awesome!!! the buildings are amazing (the church that was meant to be the city and the forest is my favorite) and i love your sketches (the door handle sketch was awesome!). miss you! hope things are wonderful!!
