Wednesday, June 16, 2010

we made it!

After 22 hours of flying and layovers, we finally made it to Larvik, Norway (about 45 minutes south of Oslo on the fjord)!  It is beautiful here, I thought Seattle was green, but the countryside here is nothing like what I've seen before.  The area where Helen's aunt lives is considered the country.  There are many farms and farm houses.  It's amazing to see wheat fields that flow right up to the fjord.  In many ways, it reminds me of Walla Walla, but much more green!  I will take pictures when we walk today.

It was amazing to go to bed at 9 PM last night, and the sun was still out!

My traveling companions, Helen (left) and Jocelyn (right)

Here is our very small plane that took us to Oslo (Sandefjord) ready to go to bed

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