Friday, June 18, 2010


We arrived in Oslo last night and had a lovely dinner with Helen's grandparents (Mormor and Morfar).  We've been so well taken care of this week!  Helen's family has been very generous. We are now staying with her cousin Sigurd. They have a big apartment in the city, and actually have three spare beds for us!

Today we walked around Oslo's downtown area, did some site seeing and shopping (not so much of the site seeing because we will be back to do it).  It's a very pretty city, and not too big.  I think we will take Sigurd out to dinner tonight.

I can't believe this week is coming to a close.  Tomorrow we fly to Helsinki, and have some time there before we meet up with the rest of the group.  Going from 3 people to 26 will be a big change!  It was a good idea to come early and get acclimated without everyone around.

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