Monday, June 28, 2010

June 28, Monday

Yay! I'm finally caught up with the days.

Today we had our first walking day in Helsinki.We have bus passes for the next three days to get around on public transportation (which will include buses, trains, trams, and a ferry)! It's fun to see the city this way.

We started with another church this morning, Myyrmaki Church by Leiviska. My favorite part of this church was the lights hung in the chapel area. It was mid-morning and they felt like stars glittering in a nights sky.The story of the form of this church has to do with the city meeting the forest, and I think it is successful. It was very beautiful.

This is a sketch of the outside of the building as you approach.

After lunch at a great little cafe, we went on to the House of Culture by Alto. It's not a huge venue, but even Jimmy Hendrix has played there! I really liked the lobby. I took the opportunity to do some quick sketching here.

As we walked back towards the center of town we made a few stops. This building is the Church of the Rock, and has quite a cool factor. It's a planned safety shelter turned into a church!

I'm going to bed now for some good rest!!

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