Friday, July 30, 2010

July 30, Friday

Today was my last day in Stockholm. It was a great day with nice weather, good food and good company. I began the day by cleaning my room and getting things ready to go. Once I was together enough, I met Helen for lunch and some shopping. We found an awesome bookstore, in which I found a book showing Swedish Architects homes. Two homes I had been to were in the book, so I couldn't refuse it. The place where Peter, our instructor, was staying was one of them, and the other was the apartment Eric Strindberg, where we visited the first day in Tensta! I will show everyone when I get home, the book is really neat.

Then I moved on to visit the National Museum, where they have a show of "At Home" in Scandinavia featuring Carl Larson's paintings. It was quite a collection! I then walked about the city trying to soak in my favorite spots. I will have to do a recap later, after some reflection. I ran into Kate and Fuji and had dinner with them at Muggen before meeting the group for drinks. I was on my way home from the bar when I ran into Jesse and Rob who easily convinced me to go hang out by the campfire down by the lake in honor of our last night! It's pretty late here, but I have an 8 hour bus ride tomorrow to Oslo and I plan to sleep on the bus.

Stockholm has been great, but I'm excited to move on!! I'll be tuning back in to more building talk after this, it's gonna be a crazy week and a half...

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