Friday, July 30, 2010

July 27-29, Tuesday-Thursday

As soon as Greg left I had to get down to business. Our last project has taken up these past three days, but now I'm done with school work, just drawing and seeing left!!

Kate and I worked on this project together because we were both interested in the subway system. We decided to ride one of the lines all the way to the end, getting off at each stop, and see what we find. The end result was more of an experiential one, meaning we were most moved by how the subway really changes the farther you get from the city and how different the relationship with the ground can be. I was interested in how much it compresses time in the city and how disorienting it can be, but we found that once you get outside the city you are above ground (for the most part) and have a much different experience. None of this is really mind-blowing, but it is different from what we experience in our city, so it was fun to look at!

Here are some of our slides from the presentation:

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