Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 7-9, Wednesday-Friday

Wednesday was ROCK day. We went up it, over it, through it, and down it. Along the N-S axis of the city is a natural ridge formed by the glaciers long ago. Stockholm has been slowly rising for thousands of years, so when the city was established there was a ridge that separated the areas and created a dividing line (this is now where there is a grid shift). There is soooo much rock here. We ended this route at the Stockholm Public Library where the ridge begins to fade out. The Library is one of the most famous buildings in Stockholm done by Asplund. It's a really beautiful space, and it sits on a plinth of....ROCK.

Here is the interior of the circular space
and a sketch in part of that space

Thursday was WATER day. This was one of my favorite days in Stockholm so far. We began the day by going West of the city to Drottningholm Summer Palace, where the Royal family lives. It is a place similar to Versailles, but not quite as extravagant. It would be a fun place to go back for a picnic! They have beautiful French gardens and English gardens right next to each other (which made it very easy to see the difference...I learned something today!)

We then took a boat back on the WATER to the center of Stockholm and landed at City Hall. We then took a tour of City Hall, which is quite an amazing building. It was one of the most used public spaces I have seen yet. People seem to go there to hang out. When Ostberg built it he wanted it to be like Venice, right up to the water and in a prominent location. The people are very proud of this building. It is also where the Noble Peace prize ceremony takes place (in the Blue hall, which is not blue). The open halls of the interior are very welcoming spaces, I would work there.

Friday was SKY day. This was the biggest stretch in terms of what we saw. We began the day at the Modern Museum and Architecture Museum. Both were great! It was very fun to spend a long time at a place and just be an observer. Much of their art from familiar artists I had never seen before. The Architecture Museum was awesome, and had many models of local work. I want to go back and take Greg when he comes, I think he will like both. A highlight of the museums was seeing Will Farrell!! He was there with his wife and kids just wandering around.
We spent the rest of the wandering around Ostermalm. I was told where the best Korb (sausage) stand is in Stockholm (another place I will be taking Greg), and they have one of the best market halls for food! It's quite a cute area.
Once the group dispersed, I went wandering on my own and accidentally found a movie theater playing the new Twilight movie. I called Jocelyn to come meet me and we watched the movie!! The theater was so cool, it was very old and had box seating on the second tier. They even closed the curtains between the previews and main show, it was great and very relaxing!

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