Saturday, July 3, 2010

part three - STOCKHOLM

July 3, Saturday
I made it to Stockholm!!! We took the overnight ferry from Helsinki to Stockholm on the biggest boat I've even seen/been on in my life. It's a pretty great way to travel with a group, but I don't think I'm meant for cruses. I felt like I was in a pinball machine much of the time with all the different activities, gambling, and eating...yikes.

here is a group of us on the deck enjoying the sunshine

our trusted leaders, Jenn and Peter

I woke up early in the morning to watch as the ship traveled through the archipelago. It was amazing to see how many little islands there were, and how many little houses people actually built on them.  This was one of my favorites:

I spent yesterday and today, gathering stuff for my dorm room. It's kind of weird living like this again. I live in a dorm on the KTH campus, which is just a little ways out of the city. I wish we were closer, but ah well! I went to IKEA yesterday (the mothership), and it was pretty fun. I have a month bus/tube pass to rely on for public transportation, which I really like. 

Today I even found my way to Sodermalm (south city...we live north) to meet my instructor Jenn at an Irish bar where they were playing the soccer games in English!! It was really fun, and I really like that area, I might go back tomorrow.

This is where I live for the next month:

1 comment:

  1. GLad to hear your settled-in in Stockholm. It will be quite a change to remain their a while. Dorm life and all. Happy Fourth, we'll light a firecracker for you. Enjoy
