Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 26, Monday

Vaxholm is to the northeast of Stockholm

Today was Greg's last day in Stockholm, which meant it needed to be a great day. I did have to go into to school to meet up and discuss this week's project, but they kept it quick and I was out of there! Greg and I hopped on a bus and went to Vaxholm, an island of the archipelago. We started the day with smiles on our faces.

We walked all over Vaxholm. There is so much to experience as you walk around the island, rocks and water, benches, little beach cottages, small shops and cafes and each thing you encounter adds to the charming nature of the place. Greg and I just walked and talked, and sat and talked, and walked and sat some more. It was a really nice time to have with just him. I miss him now.

I had a hard time choosing pictures for the day, so I went big (lots of pictures). The pictures really show our day, and it was just so beautiful!

Greg on the beach
We ate lunch out on that green area!
Our favorite little dock (with a really cool grill)
Me on the boardwalk: cantilevered from the rocks
Our cafe with the most pleasant eating space we've encountered in a long time

One of the best things about Vaxholm is you can get there quickly by bus, or you can take a ferry to/from Stockholm. I wanted Greg to take the ferry back, so he could see Stockholm as you arrive from the water (I think that's the way everyone should experience it).

A little island with a cabin attached

The cruise ships are pretty daunting when you are a small boat

As we arrive into the city (Gamla Stan)

Of course, for the last meal we had to get one more korv!! We met Katie and Jesse at a bar for drinks, and then hit up the korv stand before going home to pack for Greg. 
That's a guy excited about a korv!

We had a small casualty along the walk. 
We ended the day with smiles too...I almost peed my pants when Greg's sausage (1 of 4 in the bun) came flying out of his bun onto the ground mid-step.

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