Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 24-25, Saturday-Sunday

Saturday, July 24
We began the weekend on a high note of another breakfast at Saturnus, probably one of my favorite places for food on the trip so far. We went with Ji, Kris, Aileen and MK to celebrate a lazy weekend morning and the guys leaving (Ji's boyfriend left Monday). They have a drink there called Cafe Melange, and it's made with real hot chocolate and coffee (put together like nothing I've tasted before)! We got a Tartine, with butter, jam, and nutella spreads, and the french toast...both amazing.

We then made our way (slowly) across town to the Modern Museum. I had already been (and had the Will Ferrell sighting), but thought it was interesting enough to take Greg back to. We spent most of our day there looking at the exhibits. We were pretty tired, and the weather had made a turn towards rain, so if I remember correctly we went home and watched a movie! I think this was the first time I truely was homesick. I'm really enjoying my experience, but I can't wait to be home and cuddled up on our couch watching movies when the weather's bad.
Warhol wallpaper that was used to once cover the whole museum
View looking towards the Vasa Museum from the Modern Museum

Sunday, July 25
Greg's attempt to capture the movie theater
This weekend was also the first time in Stockholm the weather had been bad. Greg and I lived it up on Sunday, and decided to make it a double feature day, true Seattle, Greg and Katey style. We wanted to see How to Train Your Dragon, but it was only playing in Swedish, so we decided to see Sex and the City 2 and Inception. We loved Inception, not so much Sex and the City (although I'm still glad I saw it, and I would have seen it sooner or later...why not in Stockholm?). Dad and Larry, you would like Inception and should see it. For that matter, I think Mom, Alan, MK and Bev would like it too! Well, maybe Bev,  but you never know. The movie experience is fun here, you are assigned seats when you purchase your tickets, and they actually still close the curtains between the previews and the main show and have someone come out and say something in Swedish!

I just saw that blogger added a way to add captions to pictures, so you will get more explanation of pictures from now on!!

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